Our Writers

Theresa Anderson is a Denver-based interdisciplinary artist and a writer with a full-time studio practice. Exhibiting nationally and represented in numerous private collections, Anderson’s work has been featured and included in publications such as Style Carrot, The Denver Art Museum blog- The Collective, Aurora Magazine,Irving Sandler Artist FileCalyx JournalSaatchi Online MagazineOne Life PhotosGender Across BordersCreative QuarterlyWestword and the Denver Post. Anderson is active in the Denver arts scene, exhibiting works and presenting a master artist demonstration on drawing at the Denver Art Museum, Artist Residency atPlatteForumRedline Project GalleryPirate Contemporary Art and was the founder and director at Ice Cube Gallery 2009 – 2013. Her art blog that she has maintained since 2009 was selected as a top five finalist by the Westword 2012 Denver Web Awards. Theresa covers visual art and galleries for the Scen3.

Robin McNeil … Robin covers music for the Scen3.

Marc Shulgold … Marc covers music and dance for the Scen3.

Lisa Bornstein … Lisa covers theatre for the Scen3.

Gwen Gray … Gwen covers general cultural activities for the Scen3.

Bloice Davidson … Bloice covers museums for the Scen3.