DAVA (Downtown Aurora Visual Arts)
Downtown Aurora Visual Arts provides arts education programs for urban youth ages 3 to 17 in Original Aurora, Colorado. Our mission is to strengthen the community through the visual arts with youth as the primary focus. Every student that walks through our doors experiences the transformative power of high quality out-of-school programs that develop art, social, and life skills.
“At DAVA, I learn to work hard whether I am making items for the gallery, or learning to think, problem solve, and fix stuff. All of these things will help us in our future.” – Jesus (age 14).
DAVA art education programs foster proficiency in areas critical to achieving success in the 21st century. These include learning and innovation skills as well as life and career skills. Since 1993, DAVA has offered a continuum of programming that starts with developing creativity and school readiness at age 3 and culminates in a Job Training in the Arts program for middle school youth and high school Junior Staff. Our national award-winning programs are based on the belief that the arts can affect change in society and personal achievement while positively impacting youth development.
Please visit our website for information about DAVA’s programs and exhibitions.
Downtown Aurora Visual Arts (DAVA)
phone: 303.367.5886
web: www.davarts.org
e-mail: info@davarts.org
Watch this video to learn more about DAVA: