Tag Archives: Paul Miller


CD Review by Kelly Dean Hansen During Zachary Carrettin’s ten-year tenure as music director, the Boulder Bach Festival gradually moved away from a compressed series of concerts in a single festival week to a spread-out season model like those typical of symphony orchestras.  In May 2022, however, the organization made a brief return to the […]

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Boulder Bach Festival: Next Generations

A review by Betsy Schwarm Spring 2022 brings the 41st season of the Boulder Bach Festival.  In lesser hands, 41 years of a single composer – even the mighty JS Bach – might seem too much.  His catalog is vast, but it’s all him:  how many cantatas and fugues does one really need?  However, years […]

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A Festival Celebrates Bach – Among Others

A review by Marc Shulgold Oh, sure – J.S. Bach was there, represented by three marvelous chamber works. And there was music by his famous old friend Telemann. But so too were deserving pieces by four not-so-familiar names. As much as we revere Johann Sebastian, it’s a safe guess that he would have welcomed sharing […]

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Bach and Beyond: Boulder Bach’s Spring “Festival Week”

Johann Sebastian Bach:  the music and the name are timeless, like a Gibraltar of great music.  Beethoven has myriad admirers, as does Mozart.  However, both masters studied JS Bach’s works, as have countless others since Bach’s time.  The man set such an unsurpassed standard of excellence that one hardly needs to specify which of many […]

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