Tag Archives: St Martin’s Chamber Choir

After the Pilgrimage with St. Martin’s Chamber Choir

A preview by Betsy Schwarm After the Pilgrimage:  The Journey Home – that’s a program title that one might interpret in several ways.  Chronologically speaking, these late May performances by the St. Martin’s Chamber Choir come after its early April program on the theme Songs of Pilgrimage:  Camino de Santiago.  That program of works related […]

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Return and Restoration: A New Season with St. Martin’s Chamber Choir

By Betsy Schwarm In troubled times, music can be the perfect balm:  soothing the soul and heartening one for the future.  Alas that, for the past year and a half, live music experiences have been all too rare, for performers and audiences alike, though encouraging developments await!  The new season for the Denver area’s St. […]

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St. Martin’s Voices of Nature

Preview by Betsy Schwarm One full year into social distancing, many of us have wearied of gazing at computer screens.  If, perchance, it would take a compelling reason to return to the computer for diversion and entertainment, April 23rd will bring a possibility:  the St. Martin Chamber Choir’s Voice of Nature program evoking sea and […]

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Tracing “The Way of St. James” in Song

A review by Marc Shulgold Whether by car, airplane, bus, train or bike, there’s something appealing about taking a trip. Usually, it’s for pleasure, visiting friends or relatives or simply for discovering new places. But for many of the world’s Catholics, one journey has always carried significance beyond the mere act of leaving home. “The […]

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A Marian Christmas with St. Martin’s Chamber Choir

Preview article by Betsy Schwarm When it comes to Christmas choral music, one can count on references to the Christ Child, the manger, the shepherds, the star, and likely the Three Kings. There’s also Mary, and she’s the inspiration for this year’s Christmas programs by the St. Martin’s Chamber Choir. A smaller ensemble focusing on […]

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A Celestial ‘Requiem’ for a Solemn Occasion

A review by Marc Shulgold   Sadly, the glorious sacred works of Renaissance brothers Giovanni and Felice Anerio have all but faded away in the passage of time. But their music wasn’t the only revival featured in a stunning concert by Timothy Krueger’s St. Martin’s Chamber Choir earlier this month. The middle of three weekend […]

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A New Season Built on Trust: St. Martin’s Chamber Choir

Like every director of every orchestra or chorus, Timothy Krueger begins sketching out the upcoming season with the equivalent of a blinking cursor on an empty computer screen.

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Out and About with Teens in December

A preview by Josh Primus This holiday season, many parents are wondering about finding cool events for their picky teenagers. This overview of the December holiday arts scene should answer that question. Many events are surprisingly affordable, and should get your teen in the holiday spirit! Shrek the Musical,  performed at the Town Hall Arts […]

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Honoring a Pivotal Moment in Our History: St. Martin’s Chamber Choir

A preview by Marc Shulgold We all know a little something about America’s bloody Civil War – mostly who won and who lost, the names of a few generals and battles, and how the country seems still divided between North and South. Sadly, the one thing we really don’t know is the music directly inspired […]

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A magical choral pairing: St. Martin’s Chamber Choir and Santa Fe Desert Chorale

A review by Ruth L. Carver On February 24, Denver’s St. Martin’s Chamber Choir hosted the Santa Fe Desert Chorale in a joint concert as they passed through the Mile High City on a mini-tour. The event fit conveniently into each choir’s season, but it was also a celebration of the long history between the two […]

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